Source code for surround.config

import ast
import os
import functools

from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from import Mapping
from pkg_resources import resource_stream

import yaml

from .util import generate_docker_volume_path
from .project import PROJECTS


[docs]class Config(Mapping): """ An iterable dictionary class that loads and stores all the configuration settings from both default and project YAML files and environment variables. Primarily used in stages to retrieve configuration data set for development/production. Responsibilities: - Parse the config.yaml file and store the data as key-value pairs. - Allow environment variables override data loaded from file/dict (must be prefixed with ``SURROUND_``). - Provide READ-ONLY access to the stored config values via ``[]`` operator and iteration. Example usage:: config = Config() config.read_from_dict({ "debug": True }) config.read_config_files(["config.yaml"]) if config["debug"]: # Do debug stuff for key, value in config: # Iterate over all data You could then override the above configuration using the systems environment variables, just prefix the var with `SURROUND_` like so:: SURROUND_DEBUG=False It also supports overriding nested configuration data, for example with the following config:: predict: debug: True We can override the above with the following environment variable:: SURRROUND_PREDICT_DEBUG=False """ __instance = None
[docs] @staticmethod def instance(): """ Static method which returns the a singleton instance of Config. """ if not Config.__instance: Config.__instance = Config(auto_load=True) return Config.__instance
def __init__(self, project_root=None, package_path=None, auto_load=False): """ Constructor of the Config class, loads the default YAML file into storage. If the :attr:`project_root` is provided then the project's `config.yaml` file is also loaded into configuration. The default config file (`defaults.yaml`) can be found in the same directory as the `` script. The project config file (`config.yaml`) can be found in the root of the project folder. :param project_root: path to the root directory of the surround project (default: None) :type project_root: str :param package_path: path to the root directory of the package that contains the surround project (default: None) :type package_path: str :param auto_load: Attempt to load the config.yaml file from the Surround project in the current directory (default: False) :type auto_load: bool """ self._storage = self.__load_defaults() # Try to get the project root if none specified if auto_load and not project_root: project_root = self.__get_project_root_from_current_dir() # Set framework paths if project_root: # Resolve absolute path project_root = str(Path(project_root).resolve()) volume_path = generate_docker_volume_path(project_root) # Attempt to find package path by looking for config.yaml if not package_path: package_path = self.__find_package_path(project_root) self._storage["project_root"] = project_root self._storage["package_path"] = package_path self._storage["volume_path"] = volume_path now ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") self._storage["output_path"] = os.path.join(project_root, "output", str(now)) self._storage["input_path"] = os.path.join(project_root, "input") self._storage["models_path"] = os.path.join(project_root, "models") # Load project config if package_path: config_path = os.path.join(package_path, 'config.yaml') else: config_path = os.path.join(project_root, os.path.basename(project_root), 'config.yaml') if os.path.exists(config_path): self.read_config_files([config_path])
[docs] def read_config_files(self, yaml_files): """ Parses the YAML files provided and stores their key-value pairs in config. :param yaml_files: multiple paths to the YAML files to load :type yaml_files: list :return: true on success, throws :exc:`IOError` on failure :rtype: bool """ configs = [] try: for path in yaml_files: with open(path) as afile: configs.append(yaml.safe_load( except IOError as err: err.strerror = 'Unable to load configuration file (%s)' % err.strerror raise self.__merge_configs(configs) self.__insert_environment_variables() return True
[docs] def read_from_dict(self, config_dict): """ Retrieve all key-value pairs from the dict provided and store in config. :param config_dict: configuration settings to be added to storage :type config_dict: dict :return: true on success, throws exception on failure (:exc:`TypeError`) :rtype: bool """ if not isinstance(config_dict, dict): return TypeError("config_dict should be a dict") self.__merge_configs([config_dict]) self.__insert_environment_variables() return True
[docs] def get_path(self, path): """ Returns value that can be found at the key path provided (useful for nested values). For example:: config.get_path('surround.stages') == config['surround']['stages'] --> True :param path: path to the value in storage :type path: str :return: the value found at the path or none if not found :rtype: any """ if not isinstance(path, str): raise TypeError("path should be a string") if not "." in path: return self._storage[path] if path in self._storage else None return self.__iterate_over_dict(self._storage, path.split("."))
[docs] def get_dict(self): """ Returns the configuration data in a dictionary :returns: dictionary of the configuration data :rtype: dict """ return self._storage
def __find_package_path(self, project_root): """ Attempts to find the projects package path by looking for the config.yaml file. This should only be used when the package name seems to be different from the root folder name. :param project_root: root of the project :type project_root: str :return: path to the package or None if unable to find it :rtype: str """ results = [path for path, _, files in os.walk(project_root) if 'config.yaml' in files] results = [path for path in results if os.path.basename(path) not in PROJECTS['new']['dirs']] return results[0] if len(results) == 1 else None def __load_defaults(self): """ Returns the config key-value pairs loaded from defaults.yaml. :return: the key-value pairs loaded from the file :rtype: dict """ try: with resource_stream(__name__, "defaults.yaml") as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) except IOError as err: err.strerror = 'Unable to load default config file' raise return config def __get_project_root_from_current_dir(self): return self.__get_project_root(os.getcwd()) def __get_project_root(self, current_directory): home = str(Path.home()) while True: list_ = os.listdir(current_directory) parent_directory = os.path.dirname(current_directory) if current_directory in (home, parent_directory): break if ".surround" in list_: return current_directory current_directory = parent_directory def __merge_configs(self, configs): """ Merges a list of dictionaries into the dictionary of this class. Note that lists are overriden completely not extended. :param configs: a collection of dictionaries to merge into storage :type configs: a list of dict """ if not isinstance(configs, list): raise TypeError("configs should be a list") def extend_dict(target, src): """ Merges the key-value pairs in src into the given target dictionary. :param target: the target dictionary being extended :type target: dict :param src: the dictionary where key-value pairs are being extracted :type src: dict """ if isinstance(src, dict): for k, v in src.items(): if k in target: if isinstance(target[k], dict): extend_dict(target[k], v) else: target[k] = v else: target[k] = v for config in configs: extend_dict(self._storage, config) def __insert_environment_variables(self): """ Inserts environment variables prefixed with ENV_VAR_PREFIX into storage. Overriding any clashing key-value pairs in storage already. Example: SURROUND_TEST_KEY='test_value' This will be loaded into storage as a string value and can be found at path 'test.key' (or `config['test']['key']`) """ for var in os.environ: if not var.startswith(ENV_VAR_PREFIX) or len(var) == len(ENV_VAR_PREFIX): continue surround_variables = [n.lower() for n in var[len(ENV_VAR_PREFIX):].split("_") if n] self.__override_or_add_var(self._storage, surround_variables, os.getenv(var)) def __override_or_add_var(self, config, key_list, value): """ Recursively inserts or overrides the value in the storage specified at the specified path. :param config: the storage container we're adding the value to :type config: dict :param key_list: collection of keys that specifies the key path (e.g. ["test", "key"] == 'test.key') :type key_list: list of str :param value: the value being set to the specified path :type value: any :return: the storage container we've been adding to :rtype: dict """ if len(key_list) > 1: key = key_list[0] if not key in config: config[key] = dict() self.__override_or_add_var(config[key], key_list[1:], value) else: new_key = key_list[0] if new_key in config: the_type = type(config[new_key]) else: try: the_type = type(ast.literal_eval(value)) if the_type == bool: value = ast.literal_eval(value) except Exception: if value.lower() == "true": value = True the_type = bool elif value.lower() == "false": value = False the_type = bool else: the_type = str config[new_key] = the_type(value) return config def __iterate_over_dict(self, dictionary, key_list): """ Return the value of the last key in the key list provided by traversing the dict tree. Example:: self.__iterate_over_dict({ "a": { "b": "c" } }, ["a", "b"]) --> "c" :param dictionary: the dictionary we are finding the value in :type dictionary: dict :param key_list: collection of key names (correspond to the path to the value in the dictionary) :type key_list: list of str :return: the value found or none if not found :rtype: any """ key = key_list[0] if not key_list == [] else "" if key in dictionary: if len(key_list) > 1: return self.__iterate_over_dict(dictionary[key], key_list[1:]) return dictionary[key] return None def __getitem__(self, key): """ Provides access to stored data via the [] operator. :param key: the key provided in the [] operator :type key: str :return: the value found at the specified key :rtype: any """ return self._storage[key] def __iter__(self): """ Allows for iteration through the config dictionary. Example:: config = Config() config.read_config_files(['config.yaml']) # Iterate over the key-value pairs in the config data for key, value in config: print("Key: " + key + " Value: " + value) :return: the iterator for the internal dictionary :rtype: dict_keyiterator """ return iter(self._storage) def __len__(self): """ Returns the length of the config dictionary. :return: the number of key-value pairs in the dictionary :rtype: int """ return len(self._storage)
def has_config(func=None, name="config", filename=None): """ Decorator that injects the singleton config instance into the arguments of the function. e.g. ``` @has_config def some_func(config): value = config.get_path("some.config") ... @has_config(name="global_config") def other_func(global_config, new_config): value = config.get_path("some.config") @has_config(filename="override.yaml") def some_func(config): value = config.get_path("override.value") ``` """ @functools.wraps(func) def function_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): config = Config.instance() if filename: path = os.path.join(config.get_path("package_path"), filename) config.read_config_files([path]) kwargs[name] = config return func(*args, **kwargs) if func: return function_wrapper def recursive_wrapper(func): return has_config(func, name, filename) return recursive_wrapper