Command-line Interface

The following is a list of the sub-commands contained in Surround’s CLI tool.


The Surround Command Line Interface

usage: surround [-h] [-v]

Named Arguments

-v, --version

Show the current version of Surround

Default: False


Initialize a new Surround project.

usage: surround init [-h] [-p PROJECT_NAME] [-d DESCRIPTION] [-w REQUIRE_WEB]

Positional Arguments


Path for creating a Surround project

Default: “./”

Named Arguments

-p, --project-name
 Name of the project
-d, --description
 A description for the project
-w, --require-web
 Is web service required for the project


Run a Surround project assembler and task.

Without any arguments, all tasks will be listed.

Assemblers are defined in the file of the current project. The default assembler that comes with every project is called baseline.

Tasks are defined in the file of the current project. Each project comes with a set of default tasks listed below.

Containerised Tasks:

  • build - Build a Docker image for your Surround project.
  • dev - Run the specified assembler in a Docker container with the current source code (via drive mount, no build neccessary).
  • prod - Build the Docker image and run the specified assembler inside a container (no drive mounting).
  • batch - Run the specified assembler in a Docker container (mounting input and output folders) set to batch mode.
  • train - Run the specified assembler in a Docker container (mounting input and output folders) set to train mode.
  • web - Serve the specified assembler via HTTP endpoints inside a Docker container.
  • remove - Remove the Docker image built for this project (if any).
  • jupyter - Run a jupyter notebook server in a Docker container (mounting the whole project).

Local Tasks:

  • batchLocal - Run the specified assembler locally set to batch-predict mode.
  • trainLocal - Run the specified assembler locally set to train mode.
  • webLocal - Serve the specified assembler via HTTP endpoints locally.
usage: surround run [-h] [task]

Positional Arguments

task Task defined in file of your project


Run the Surround Linter on the current project.

For more information on what this does, see linter.

usage: surround lint [-h] [-l | path]

Positional Arguments


Path for running the Surround linter

Default: ./

Named Arguments

-l, --list

List all Surround checkers

Default: False


usage: surround data [-h] {create,inspect,lint} ...


This tool must be called with one of the following commands

command Possible choices: create, inspect, lint



Create a data container from a file or directory

surround data create [-h] (-f FILE | -d DIRECTORY | -m) [-o OUTPUT]
                     [-e EXPORT_METADATA]
Named Arguments
-f, --file Path to file to import into container
-d, --directory
 Path to directory to import into container
-m, --metadata-only

Generate metadata without a file system

Default: False

-o, --output Path to file to export container to (default:
-e, --export-metadata
 Path to JSON file to export metadata to


Inspect the metadata and/or contents of a data container

surround data inspect [-h] [-m | -c] container_file
Positional Arguments
container_file Path to the data container to inspect
Named Arguments
-m, --metadata-only

Inspect the metadata of the container only

Default: False

-c, --content-only

Inspect the contents of the container only

Default: False


Check the validity of a data container

surround data lint [-h] [-l] [-c CHECK_ID] container_path
Positional Arguments
container_path Path to the container to perform checks on
Named Arguments
-l, --list

List the checks the linter will perform

Default: False

-c, --check-id Specify a single check to perform (get id from –list)


Tool to randomly split data into test, train, and validation sets.

Supports splitting:

  • Directory of files
  • CSV files
  • Text files (just ensure you use the --no-header flag)

Example - Split a directory of images into train/test/validate:

$ surround split -d images -e png

Example - Reset a split directory:

$ surround spit --reset images

Example - Splitting and resetting a CSV file:

$ surround split -t test.csv
$ surround split --reset .
usage: surround split [-h] (-t TEXT_FILE | -d DIRECTORY | -r RESET)
                      [-e EXTENSION] [-tr TRAIN] [-te TEST] [-va VALIDATE]
                      [-nv] [-ns] [-nh]

Named Arguments

-t, --text-file
 Split text file into train/test/validate sets
-d, --directory
 Split directory into train/test/validate sets
-r, --reset Path to directory containing train/test/validate folders to reset
-e, --extension

File extension of the files to process (default: *)

Default: “*”

-tr, --train

Percentage of files for training (default: 80%)

Default: 80

-te, --test

Percentage of files for test (default: 10%)

Default: 10

-va, --validate

Percentage of files for validate (default: 10%)

Default: 10

-nv, --no-validate

Don’t produce a validation set when splitting

Default: False

-ns, --no-shuffle

Don’t randomise when splitting data

Default: False

-nh, --no-header

Use this flag when the text file has no headers

Default: False